Sunday, March 29, 2009

CTA Cancellation

My certification class was moved to a different time. We were just so busy this week getting ready for the "Forks & Corks" event this coming Thursday. "Forks & Corks" is a collaberated event between AzHLA and ARA (Arizona Restaurant Association). It combines great Chef's from resorts around the valley and restaurants around the valley. It is held at the Esplanade every year.

The Member directory is still in progress. My member update forms are almost all in. I now have to go through and check to see if their dues have been paid; if they haven't, their information will not be placed in this years directory. I have also started working with the printer on cover ideas for the directory.

This upcoming week will be crazy. I will keep you updated.

Monday, March 23, 2009

CTA Certification

This week I am participating in the Tourism Ambassadors program to become certified. Valley Hotel & Resort Assoc. runs the program and it is required for everyone in the office to become certified. The class is tomorrow and there is a huge book that I have been studying for weeks; it is a 5 hour class. Once I have taken the class, I can choose to renew every year, but there are certain requirments that I have to meet.

Day at the Capitol went well besides the riots. It was good to see the Gov. getting invovled in the tourism industry and the tourism industry making the effort to meet the Rep. in their district.

Our luncheon was held at FireSky and it was gorgeous. The topic for the luncheon was CVB updates. Each city came to talk about what they are doing to increase tourism and promotion.

This week I will be working on all the advertisments for the directory. I am not super excited about this part of the directory.

I will let you all know how it is going.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Busy Week!

I have been working on making my supervisors schedule for her trip to Washington DC; she left today. I have been working with Sen. McCain's staff, Sen. Kyl's staff, and several representatives for the state.

I am still working on my time consuming but good.

Our office also has two events this week, Day at the Capitol and one of our regular monthly luncheons. This month's luncheon is on CVB Updates. Each city is going to come and talk about how tourism is doing in their city and their efforts on trying to improve tourism.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The work begins

The end of last week and today I have totally submersed into the member directories. I thought I would be overwhelmed in the beginning, but now that I have started I love it. I feel responsible for's my own project. I have started to send out all of my information update forms...we will see how the rest of the project goes.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

First Big Project!

Hello again! Today I felt a little overwhelmed. I have been given the project of doing our '09-'10 member directory; which consists of all the hotels in the state and our other members in the hospitality industry. I am also in charge of getting sponors and ad's for the directory. Hopefully...all will turn out well! Whish me luck!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First few weeks

Hello ladies in my group! It has been an amazing few weeks. The AzHLA is a perfect fit for me. I am able to network with hotels all over the state and attend amazing events. I never thought I would ever leave the actual hotel side, but I did and I am so happy! I guess we will see where the semester takes me!